


How many times have you felt as if you were stuck in a rut?

That no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you end up no further forward?


Maybe you’re constantly being passed over for promotion, or relationship after relationship ends in bitterness or disappointment. You might feel that your spiritual growth has slowed down and you can’t seem to regain that momentum.

You keep trying to be optimistic, telling yourself that “this time it will be different”, but it just doesn’t seem to pan out that way.


Yet now and then, there’s a glimmer of hope.

A new book, or a course, promises a solution to all of life’s problems. And after the first rush of optimism and enthusiasm, the initial progress stalls.

You end up back where you started and hope fades.

The cause of this lack of progress is often because we focus on the physical symptoms of our problems and fail to address the root cause.

So the stumbling blocks remain, standing in your way.


But when you know how to strip away these blocks — what we refer to as distortion patterns—your frequency resonance starts to rise

And as your frequency rises, your world and how you perceive it begins to shift.

Your life opens up to new opportunities, new synchronicities, and new levels of internal strength so you’re not triggered by the things that used to throw you off balance.


And that is where the real transformation, to discovering the nature of your true essence and your power as intentional co-creator of your reality, can begin.

Watch the video below to discover some of the benefits of frequency work, the impact it can have on your life—and the lives of those around you.

Targeted Support GFC meditations (Group Frequency Calibrations®)

Targeted Support GFC meditations (Group Frequency Calibrations®)

Ready to get unstuck in those areas of life where you seem to tailspin no matter what you do? Do you want to remove those unwanted distortion patterns that weigh you down and stop you from being your best you?  Check out our collection of Group Frequency Calibrations® and Deep Dives (3-part GFC meditation series)

Mastery & Momentum – Refining The Core Essentials

Mastery & Momentum – Refining The Core Essentials

A transformational 3-part program that delves deep into the 6 core essential practices that Karen has identified as crucial for accelerating awakening. Learning to master these core essentials will help you to start to experience whole new levels of confidence, self-empowerment, and spiritual acceleration! Learn More

Mastering Your World Through Frequencies vlog/podcast

Mastering Your World Through Frequencies vlog/podcast

The Vlog/podcast is an exploration of how things really work behind the curtain of illusion. Why things are the way they are, the reason people experience the things they do and how much power we have to upgrade our reality. At the end of each episode, Karen provides a free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) meditation for those who actually want to experience change. Intellectual understanding is great but if you want things to shift, the frequency work is where it happens! Learn More

Living Your Brilliance®

Living Your Brilliance®

We are in a critical time, and where you put your focus absolutely matters in terms of our choice to accelerate into and being able to integrate the higher resonating frequencies or to stay in the lower frequency resonances. This is about refining ourselves, making ourselves ready to live the new consciousness. Learn More

Full Spectrum Coherence Mastery™

Full Spectrum Coherence Mastery™

A year-long course carefully and intentionally crafted to give you the most momentum. This program provides the intellectual frameworks, strategies, specific exercises and tips to help you to understand why things happen in your world, PLUS the pivotal frequency work to break through old, habitual negative patterns. You’ll also learn as the course progresses how to bring yourself into greater and greater levels of coherence or said differently, greater alignment. Greater coherence is key to personal and spiritual acceleration, experiencing spaciousness of time, feeling more ALIVE and being able to co-create your reality. Learn More